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Messages - Gamle

Create JTS3ServerMod as a service.
nano /etc/init.d/jts3servermod
Copy the service script and paste it. Then save the file.
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/jts3servermod
chkconfig --add jts3servermod

// If you want the bot to automatic start on system boot.
chkconfig --level 2345 jts3servermod on

Service script
# chkconfig: 2345 99 10
cd $TS3BOT
case "$1" in
su $USER -c "$STARTSCRIPT start"
su $USER -c "$STARTSCRIPT stop"
su $USER -c "$STARTSCRIPT restart"
su $USER -c "$STARTSCRIPT status"
su $USER -c "$STARTSCRIPT status"
echo "Usage $0 start|stop|restart|status|java"

ATTENTION: I'm not a extremely experienced linux user, so there can be some code/command mistake. I just share the code for the people there can't create a service script by them self.
Hi, there.

I will also like if there will come a plugin, so the bot automatic can add guests to a group after 24 hours time or so on the TeamSpeak server. I know that it can't track time if the bot issen't online, but by default the bot is online 24/7 on my server.

I will like something like this:

# If a client is in this group id, then add add_group_id to the client.
FUNCTION_group_id = 8

# The group id the client will be added to if the client is in the group_id.
FUNCTION_add_group_id = 9

# Total time in minutes the client need to have used the TeamSpeak 3 server.
FUNCTION_total_online_time = 1440

It will be so great, because users there often have been online for a minimum of 24 hours can often be trusted with private and poke command.