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Messages - nipper

just another thought.

have a !groupchannelallow and !groupchanneldisallow

the allow will let only the groups on the list in. But move everyone else out to predefined channel

the disallow will only move the groups on the list out. But let everyone else in.
yeah I know admin can move people to any channel no mater what the levels they might have. But having it to can help. Plus not having to have someone move people but allow them to do it helps. But thanks for adding it to the todolist.

I also been using your bot from the start. It has come a long way.
no no the idea was what I was using. But not just for moving to another channel. Just move those out who do not belong to a channel. Not just a dummy channel just any predefined channel. As I stated in my last example.
Not what I was looking for really. I just need if the group is or is not on the list auto moved them to a predefined channel. But I don't see how it could be to dirty. It would only have to check once some one joins a channel. So maybe a onjoin check if group is or is not on the list.
yeah it could be done that way. But I would like to have a auto move feature to do it for me. This way I can use the same idea to auto move users to certen channels. Having a admin move someone in to the channel then add them can create a huge mess as you don't want everyone able to move people just because they own a channel. But not minding people handing out lower tier groups. Having to add a channel group for alot of channels is a pain in the ass it would be easier just to hand out a server group.
I will give you more examples of what I mean.

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3

Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3

Move to channel(s)
Channel Dead 1
Channel Dead 2

K with that said.
Channel 1 Allows Group 1 to join. But if anyone not in those allowed groups gets moved to "Channel Dead 1"
Channel 2 Allows Group 1/Group 3 to join. But if anyone not in those allowed groups gets moved to "Channel Dead 1"
Channel 3 Allows Group 2/Group 3 to join. But if anyone not in those allowed groups gets moved to "Channel dead 2"

User 1 has "Group 1" and tries to move in to "Channel 3" he gets auto moved to "Channel Dead 2"
User 2 has "Group 1" and "Group 2" tries to move in to "Channel 3" he is then allow to say due to being in "Group 2"
User 3 has "Group 2" and moves in to "Chanel 1" He is then moved to "Channel Dead 1"

The number of allow groups per channel is defined with a setting. Same with what channel they get moved to.

Maybe a TS3 command like
!channelallow "guid,guid2,guid3,ext" "channelidtomoveto"
but thats the thing. If I do it that way it only works in order.
Meaning I want one group able to join a channel but no other group to join.

If I set it up with the numbers as in the perms anyone with the number or  higher then the channel join power they can join. So in other words. I can lock it to a group but if another group has a same or higher number they can still join. That is the issue. Thats why I would like to request a auto move if the group/groups are not on a list to predefined channel.

I know you are going to say use a password. But that tends to get annoying handing out passwords as everyone forgets them.
yeah but people are stupid. When you have a huge list they never do look what they can join or not. So if in the lobby has a set of channels telling them when they join they get moved it helps those who are just retarded. This can also help with say multi gamming servers. Where you want only certen groups able to join a channel and if they do they are auto moved out. I know about the join power but it is done by level not by group. Meaning if someone has a higher number they can join any thing below that. But some times you just want them not able to join channel where they do not belong.

In other words if the group is not on the list to allow access they get auto moved out of the channel to a predefined channel also maybe a poke from server with a custom message saying why they were moved as well.
I would like to request a feature.

If a certen group joins a channel they get moved to another channel.


Join to move to channel
--  Join to go to Channel 1
--  Join to go to Channel 2
--  Join to go to Channel 3

Main Channels
-- Channel 1
-- Channel 2
-- Channel 3

Now if someone that is in the guest group joins "Join to go to Channel 1" they get auto moved to "Channel 1" if they join "Join to go to Channel 2" They get moved to "Channel 2" and so on.

Reason being is that my server we get so many randoms that we want to not allow them to move freely unless they sign up. But still allow them to join one channel to get auto moved to a lobby channel of the where they like to go.

I have ran in to a few issues with your bot. I run more then one TS3 server via creatserver command. Meaning I run more then one TS3server with one server. What happening is. When people are idle and when it gives the warning I get both bots sending the message. If you use public commands !lastseen !bothelp ect. both bots will PM you. If you need a example come to my ts3 server the address/ports port 9987 for one and port 8769 for the other. Just joint he lobby and use the !lastseen command. Also each bot has its own query login they dont share it. But they both login on the same query server and port. If you need more info feel free to ask.