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Topics - Miscni

General Discussions / Issue about pokes from Bot
April 08, 2012, 10:51:50 AM
Greeting Stefan

I have installed the botsystem on my Ubuntu Server, were I already have Teamspeak server installed as well.

And I have been using your system for a while now, and I love using it, but I noticed something, that I dont know, how to fix it. :'(

My bot system send messages out every 30 min, on the main chat channel. And since I am danish, we use ÆØÅ in our words, and that works like a charm. 8)

But when we get a poke, from the bot, those pokes are shown like this here : været forsætter , it schould really look like this here : været forsætter. so words that have ÆØÅ in them, are being shown incorrect.  :'(

My spec on server
OS : Ubuntu Server 10.04 32-Bit
Memory : 4GB
Java : java version "1.6.0_20"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.13) (6b20-1.9.13-0ubuntu1~10.04.1)
OpenJDK Client VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode, sharing)

Log file from JTS3ServerMod_server1.log
2012-04-08 10:39:48 START_MOD Virtual bot instance "clan" starts now
2012-04-08 10:39:48 START_INFO Successful connected to localhost!
2012-04-08 10:39:48 START_INFO Login as "******************" successful!
2012-04-08 10:39:48 START_INFO Successful selected virtual server 1!
2012-04-08 10:39:49 ADVERTISING_MODE Advertising will be send to virtual server every 30 minutes (12 messages found)
2012-04-08 10:39:49 IDLE_MODE Clients will be moved into Channel "AFK - Away From Keyboard" (2) after being idle for 30 minutes
2012-04-08 10:39:49 IDLE_WARN_MODE Clients get a warning message after being idle for 15 minutes
2012-04-08 10:39:49 AWAY_MODE Clients with away status will be moved to Channel "AFK - Away From Keyboard" (2) after 2 seconds and moved back if not away anymore!
2012-04-08 10:39:49 MUTE_MODE Clients with headphone or microphone muted will be moved to Channel "AFK - Away From Keyboard" (2) after 0 seconds and moved back if not muted anymore!
2012-04-08 10:39:49 AUTOMOVE_MODE Auto Move is enabled, default channels for 5 server groups set
2012-04-08 10:39:49 CACHE_INFO Creating client database cache...
2012-04-08 10:39:49 START_SUCCESSFUL Bot started and connected successful, write !botinfo in server chat to get an answer!
2012-04-08 10:40:22 CACHE_INFO Client database cache created, 386 clients in cache.

Log file from JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.log
2012-04-08 10:39:48 START_MANAGER JTS3ServerMod 3.6.3 Final (13.02.2012) Instance Manager started...
2012-04-08 10:39:48 START_INSTANCE Start bot instance clan...

I hope this here can help abit.

bot_messages_encoding = ISO-8859-1

Cheers & Hugz

Hi Stefan1200

First of all, I just wanna say admire all the hard work, you have put into this projekt of yours.
That is also why, I feel ashamed to ask for this request, but I really hope, that you may see the idea, that I would like to Request.

I use 5 Different ServerGroups: Windows, Mac, Linux, Apple Moblie, Android Mobile.

So my question is. Would it be possibul for the "BoT", to assing a Servergroup for each new guest, but the servergroup is of course checking for, what OS they are using, mainly: Windows, Mac, Linux etc etc.

I am aware of, that this here seems like a weird request, but I many ways, it really would help out alot.

I hope you see my request as a good idea.

Hugz & Cheers...