[Search] JTS3ServerMod Autostart Script

Started by Christoph Herthel, June 14, 2014, 10:47:10 AM

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Christoph Herthel

Hey everybody, i have a Question.

has anybody the JTS3ServerMod Autostartscript yet? SRy for my bad english. i try to lern English without "Google Translator" :D I give my Very best :D

I'm looking for answers.

Greetings form Germany, Hamburg :D



I use upstart to run my jar-File as a daemon. Upstart manages the PIDs. Just add myservice.conf to /etc/init (not /etc/inid.d) and the daemon will be started on system start and you can mangage it as a service. You do not have to make the file runnable or anything else.

My Conf-File:

description "myservice"
author "your name"

start on runlevel [3]
stop on shutdown

expect fork

    cd /home/username/
    sudo -u username java -jar /home/username/myservice/myservice.jar >/home/username/myservice.log 2>&1
    emit myservice_running
end script

You can handle the service as usual.

service myservice restart
service myservice status

Everything you have to do:

- sign in as root or use sudo because you need root privileges
- Create conf-File in "/etc/init" and copy the script into it (the name of the conf-file will be the name of the service)
- change the path to your JTS3ServerMod.jar and the path to your logfile
- change the user who runs this file for example "ts" or "ts3" or something else (for security reasons do not use root !!!)
- now you can start the service "service myservice start"
- the service will be started on system start automatically

If you have a any questions write me an PM (you can write it also in german)

Greetings from Düsseldorf, Germany  :D

Christoph Herthel

doesnt work.... what i search is an AutoStart script similar my Teamspeak 3 Server Startscript. Downloadlink Bellow...

sry but thanks for your effort.

Christoph Herthel