How to split message into multiple message

Started by Sporranlegion, October 19, 2018, 07:37:11 PM

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I have tried to split a long message into multiple messages using the sequence $+$ but I still get an error that the message is longer than 100 characters. I have looked around for BB code but cant find any reference to this sequence or how to use it.
I have set up the message to be delivered with a poke.
Can someone please give me an example?

# Typical BBCode like in Teamspeak 3 Client possible. You can use \n for a new line.
# Use the character sequence §+§ to split a long message into multiple messages.
You were moved to channel "%MUTE_CHANNEL_NAME%" because your client status is muted. You will be moved back if your client status is not muted anymore.



At the moment I am using the default message [You were moved to channel "%MUTE_CHANNEL_NAME%" because your client status is muted. You will be moved back if your client status is not muted anymore.] which has 150 charterers



I dont know where to put it  ;D
I tried like this {You were moved to channel "%MUTE_CHANNEL_NAME%" because your client status is muted. $+$ You will be moved back if your client status is not muted anymore.} but it didnt work
if you can show me where you would put it as an example then I can work out the rest



Those characters looked like $ (dollar) signs, no wonder it didn't work in the cfg file.
They are alt keyboard characters § (Alt 0167)

Is this the correct syntax {You were moved to channel "%MUTE_CHANNEL_NAME%" because your client status is muted. §+§ You will be moved back if your client status is not muted anymore.}

Or is it like this {You were moved to channel "%MUTE_CHANNEL_NAME%" because your client status is muted. §!=§ You will be moved back if your client status is not muted anymore.}


!= means "not equal"

Just remove the spaces around the splitting string, because even a space is a character.

You were moved to channel "%MUTE_CHANNEL_NAME%" because your client status is muted.§+§You will be moved back if your client status is not muted anymore.


Tried the code suggested as below but I still get the same resulting error "message is to long"

You were moved to channel "%MUTE_CHANNEL_NAME%" because your client status is muted.§+§You will be moved back if your client status is not muted anymore.

# JTS3ServerMod Config File
# Away Mover message, the client get this message as chat message.
# You can use the following keywords, which will be replaced:
# %AWAY_CHANNEL_NAME% - This will be replaced with the name of the specified channel
# Typical BBCode like in Teamspeak 3 Client possible. You can use \n for a new line.
# Use the character sequence §+§ to split a long message into multiple messages.
You were moved to channel "%MUTE_CHANNEL_NAME%" because your client status is muted.§+§You will be moved back if your client status is not muted anymore.


Maybe you saved the file with the wrong encoding? You can check it by sending the chat message to the bot:
!botcfgget FUNCTIONNAME_message
Of course, you have to replace FUNCTIONNAME to the used function name.
